Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Healthy Lifestyle, yourself... at your best (life coach Limor Lehmann)

Hello everyone,

Certified Limor Lehmann-Charley Health Coach will give a free introductory session of her program :
"HEALTHY LIFESTYLE yourself ... at your best" on November 3rd, from 10:30 am until noon, at Mauna Center in Antibes.
Limor received her training at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York. She leads workshops on nutrition and offers individual health and nutrition coaching.
This program will give you the knowledge and confidence to make better lifestyle choices and will teach you how to naturally BOOST your energy, STRENGTHEN your immune system, gently DETOXIFY your body ...and so much more !
For more info on this program, please contact Limor LEHMANN at :
limorh@gmail.com +33(0) 6 50 52 42 62 http://www.limorlehmann.com
Or contact Mauna Center at :
maunameditation@gmail.com 06 13 88 24 79